Tulfa to bring back manufacturing to America with an advanced 3D Printing facility in Florida
Chicago, IL (August 27th,2024): Tulfa Inc., the American multinational corporation, announced the launch of its manufacturing initiative which will help revitalize and return high-caliber manufacturing to the United States in line with the US Government’s launch of AM Forward and the proposed Bipartisan Innovation Act. Statement from The White House briefing room: “AM Forward will help […]
TOP AR VR Tech Solution Providers 2022
Tulfa has been selected as the “Top AR/VR Tech Solution Providers 2022” by MYTECHMAG. We appreciate the worldwide recognition coming our way for our contribution to digitalizing businesses using advanced techniques and technologies.
Tulfa’s Chief Executive Officer, Loukeek Bornare Honored as 10 Best CEOs of 2022
Tulfa has been selected as the “Top AR/VR Tech Solution Providers 2022” by MYTECHMAG. We appreciate the worldwide recognition coming our way for our contribution to digitalizing businesses using advanced techniques and technologies.
Tulfa recognized as One of the Best Places to Work in 2021
ican multinational company specializing in e-commerce related services and solutions, was recognized as ‘One of the Best Places to Work in 2021’ by Comparably.
Tulfa’s CEO, Loukeek Bornare, Featured as One of the Top 20 Admired CEOs of 2021
Being the CEO of Tulfa Inc., Loukeek Bornare provides clear direction, holding the business on that steady course, keeping teams engaged and focused on what is needed and achieving the perspective goals.
One of the Top 10 Influential COOs of 2021; Sonali Bagrecha
We’re excited to announce that Tulfa’s Chief Operating Officer and Co-Founder, Sonali Bagrecha, going beyond the odds, has been selected as one of the Top 10 Influential COOs of 2021 by Industry Era
Tulfa’s Chief Executive Officer, Loukeek Bornare Selected as One of the Top 20 Most Dynamic Business Leaders of 2021
Tulfa Inc., an American multinational company that specializes in ecommerce related services and solutions announced that its CEO, Loukeek Bornare has been selected as Top 20 Dynamic Dynamic Business Leaders of 2021.
Tulfa featured in ’10 most promising AR/VR solutions providers 2022’
We are delighted to announce that, Tulfa has been recognized in ’10 Most Promising AR/VR Solutions Provider 2022 by CIOReview magazine.
Tulfa Named as One of the Chicago’s Top Retail Technology Companies in 2021
Tulfa Inc. was honored with a mention as the ‘Top Retail Technology Startup and Companies’, in Illinois and Chicago.
Gartner recognizes Tulfa, Inc. amongst Americas emerging midsized technology companies in 2021
Tulfa, Inc. the American multinational corporation and its extended reality and solution subsidiary TulfaXR that designs and develops Augmented reality-ready 3D product assets, today announced that it has been recognized by Gartner as one of a select group of emerging and midsized tech companies of Americas in 2021.